Friday, January 8, 2010

Africa Part Duex: Tanzania. Go.

I owe you an apology. I hate it when someone starts something and then fails to finish or at least provide some sort of closure. And I, I fell into one of the worst transgressions of them all - Abandoning my blog. Maybe abandoning is too strong of a word. I really just went on an unannounced vacation. In any case, I apologize to all of you readers (if there are any readers out there) for stopping so abruptly. To be honest, I started working at UNICEF in Panama and life was ordinary again. Of course there were the exciting things here and there, but in general I was back to a routine and routines frankly don’t make for such great blog material.

So what prompts this post? Why Tanzania of course! For the next three months, I am helping with a research project studying water, sanitation, and hygiene in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. If you are interested in learning more about the work we are doing there is an official blog for the project at However, I wanted to continue my personal blog, you know, since it was such a hit last time I was in beloved Africa and so that I can speak only for myself and not worry about speaking for the whole group.

In response to feedback from my last blog, I am limiting my posts to 400 words. This means you will be getting only the best of the best, or only half the story depending on how you look at it, er… I mean, how I write it. So with that, I am ending this introductory post, hoping you are left wanting more.


p.s. That's me in Tanzania. Gold star if you guessed that on your own.

1 comment:

Terry said...

I'm glad you are back.