Monday, September 22, 2008

The only not so great thing...

So here comes the sad post. I had a terrible time getting back from the islands to Singapore. I had trouble getting a taxi from the hole in the wall town where the ferry dropped us, and since I hadn’t bought my ticket in advance I ended up getting a seat instead of a bed on the train. Talk about a bad deal… the worst part was the seat they assigned me was facing backwards! 14 hours overnight, backwards… count me out. So I just sat in other peoples’ seats until they came and made me get up. I was able to sleep from like 10 until 2 am when I was awakened by this lady with two kids in tow who told me I was in her seats. Ugh. It was really cold in the train car (over air-conditioned) and even though there was no smoking in the car it didn’t stop people from moving into the between car space and smoking there. FYI with the train traveling forward, the smoke comes right back into the car. Gross. It was by far one of the hardest nights I have had to endure. When the sun finally came I was so happy. It was like that saying... I can't remember it exactly , but something like… hope will rise on the wings of the dawn. When the sun up I knew it would all be alright. Getting off the train in Singapore was by far one of the best feelings ever. But enough of the train ride from H***, the next post will be all about Sing, Sing, Singapore!

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